+41 79 723 02 61

Esalen Massage

François Leimgruber

Esalen Massage

preventive, curative, opening

  • tension, whether mentally, physically, emotionally through unfavorable life habits
  • tendons, connective tissues and deeper structures
  • hardened and compacted body and life structures

Long, relaxing, balancing and deep strokes, gentle rocking and stretching combined with passive joint movements can lead to a new dimension of perception on a physical, energetic and emotional level. It can reconcile body, mind and soul.

Basis of this Esalen bodywork is the classic massage. Influenced by the body and psychotherapists Ida Rolf, Gabrielle Roth, Fritz Perls, Milton Trager, Moshe Feldenkrais, among others developed a unique massage stile at the  california coast at the same institute.

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Relax and feel good.

Vitalizing massage therapy in a central location in Zurich.

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