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Manipulative Massage according to Dr. J.C. Terrier

François Leimgruber

Manipulative –Massage according to Dr. J.C. Terrier

application for

  • malfunction in the joints (shoulder, neck, knee, etc.)
  • acute and chronic overuse symptoms
  • over-and undertension (hyper-and hypotension)
  • after surgery and trauma (postoperative-traumatic)
  • Tendon pain (Tendomyosen)

For musculoskeletal problems and treatment after orthopedic joint surgery there is by the Swiss physician Dr. J.C Terrier developed „Manipulative –Massage“. It is a manual reflex therapy for all joints as well the as the spine.

The manipulative massage combines traditional massage techniques with simultaneous stretching during a gentle passive joint-mobilization. Mechanical stimuli are given to the “internal sensory organs” of the support and locomotor system, whereby the sensors of the system control the tonus of muscles and muscle parts.They continuously report  about the functional state of the mobile tactile structures of the body and therefore control and correct their tonus. Afterword’s movements and stresses in the joints and spine of everyday life are symptom free.


Vitalizing massage therapy in a central location in Zurich.