+41 79 723 02 61

Pneumatic Pulsation Massage

François Leimgruber

Pneumatic Pulsation Massage

Great for

  • Muscle, joint or bone problems
  • slower metabolism, cellulite, skin disorders
  • pain, arthritis, migraine, tinitus

In the pneumatic Pulsationsmassage, a high quality massager is used, the Pneumatron200N. The secret of the method lies in rhythmically sucking in and releasing tissue and muscles with 200 pulsations per minute. This is exactly what distinguishes the PPT from conventional cupping processes, in which only a rigid, constant negative pressure is generated. This massage stimulates deep body tissue, also the circulation of all fluids and activates the body’s regulation of tension, migraine, cellulite, scars and pain.

The effect can be enhanced by additional heat and cold stimuli.

Through the increased blood and lymphatic circulation the positive result are that metabolism end products, inflammation mediators and environmental pollutants can be better solved and removed. At the same time, the body’s own vital substances such as hormones, vitamins and minerals can be easier transported into the cells.

The pneumatic pulsation massage is good for preventive health maintenance and to naturally strengthen vitality. 

Treat yourself and be pampered by the pneumatic pulsation massage treatment.

Do you want to know more?

Relax and feel good.

Vitalizing massage therapy in a central location in Zurich.