Touch the Silence which
Relaxes and Transforms
Medical therapeutic body work at a central location near Central in Zurich. Recognized by your health insurance.
Are you feeling well? How are you coping with the cooler, wetter and darker days in Zuerich?
During this time of year, our immune system plays a crucial role and the mitochondria, our cellular power plants, are essential for the regulation and energy production of our body so that we can continue to shine and enjoy inner peace in joy and silence.
Similar to financial reserves, it is wise to make reserves for the bad times in good times. Now is the ideal time to promote your mobility, your immune system and your mental well-being. With lymphatic drainage you can activate and strengthen your organism. In addition, an Access Bars treatment helps to reduce stress and clear your flow of thoughts.
It is very beneficial to invest in your health and well-being! Treat yourself to a Massage4u and enjoy the positive effects for body and mind in a central location in Zurich near Central at Weinbergstrasse 29 just opposite of Kleine Freiheit !

Francois Leimgruber
Francois Leimgruber has been practicing and treating as a medical masseur and body therapist in Zurich for over 20 years. His services include individual consultation to tailor the goal and treatment to each individual’s needs, experiences and preferences. In these fast-moving and often inharmonious times, he is able to alleviate painful tensions – be they psychological and physical – and solve problems sustainably through his in-depth technical knowledge and many years of experience and that at central location in Zurich near Central at Weinbergstrasse 29 just opposite of Kleine Freiheit !

Customers Recommendation
Discover the personal experiences of my satisfied customers who have not only experienced a noticeable improvement in their well -being through my individual treatments, but also found more internal harmony and health. Learn what others report about their positive experiences – because your satisfaction is my top priority.
Oscar Swain29/01/2024 Francois is a special special massage therapist. I personally like it when he pushes hard on my pressures points until they are removed (literally!). I see him every few weeks when I need it, he is a genuine master in his craft, and I cannot rate him high enough. If Google reviews had a feature to leave a video testimonial I would do a lengthy one. Thanks again! Robin Huber20/02/2023 Immer wieder eine freudige Entspannung. Absolut nur zu empfehlen! Aria Dellcorta10/01/2023 Das breite Fachwissen und die Umsetzung dessen in eine tolle Massage macht sie immer wieder zu einem Erlebnis. Ich kann mich innerlich und körperlich vollständig entspannen. Die Massage wirkt langfristig und hat sehr positiven Effekte auf meine Muskeln und Gelenke. Danke François. Ich kann Massage4u bestens weiterempfehlen. disch sebastien24/12/2022 Hin und weggeschwebt. Darko Novakovic18/12/2022 In jeder Hinsicht absolut empfehlenswert! Äusserst kompetent und professionell. Danke Francois. André Huber10/12/2019 Der Ort einer Massagepraxis ist doch sekundär. Die Fähigkeiten, die Kenntnisse und das Einfühlungsvermögen des Masseurs zählen. Hier erhält jeder eine erfrischende, aufbauende und unterstützende Gesundheitsmassage. Sehr empfehlenswert!!! Stefanie Inauen28/07/2019 Sehr freundlich, immer aufgestellt, zuvorkommend und sehr gute Massagen. Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Thomas Afjei08/09/2018 Ich gehe schon seit fast 8 Jahren zu François zur Massagebehandlung. Ich habe oft starke Verspannungen, die von ihm hervorragend gelöst werden. Eigentlich bin ich zu ihm gekommen, weil mich seine vielen Aus- und Weiterbildungen beeindruckt haben und er zudem von meiner Krankenkasse (Helsana) anerkannt war. François ist eine sehr umgängliche und empathische Person mit hohen sozialen Ansprüchen. Er war ursprünglich mal Landschaftsgärtner, hat sich dann zum med. Masseur FA ausbilden lassen und hat auf verschiedenen Gebieten Aus- und Weiterbildungen absolviert. Er ist für mich einer der besten Masseure, die ich kenne. Sein Spektrum ist vielseitig, und reicht von klassischer Massage über Myoreflex-Therapie (nach Dr. Kurt Mosetter) bis hin zur Sonarbehandlung. Ich kann ihn nur empfehlen. Luca Condosta02/09/2018 Francois is very professional, dedicated and can play with several techniques. Myself and my partner are super happy about him and happy to recomment to our friends. Best ratio price/service in town.Mehr laden
Relaxed thanks to the additional health insurance covering up to 90% of the cost of the massage
Access Bars® can be used to release and eliminate physical, mental and emotional stress patterns so that you can free yourself from the thought carousel and hamster wheel. Embrace well-being and unlock the door to a life field with joy, peace and limitless possibilities.
A rested mind thinks better and a rested body can better cope with the demands of everyday life in 2025. That’s why I treat myself to Access Bars again and again because it feels like the best massage for the body and has a liberating effect on the mind and thought patterns. It also enables every vision and need.

Uneasiness and illness are often linked to tension and accumulated stress. Therefore, it is essential to make time for relaxation, liberation, and recreation. Striking a balance between activity and passivity is crucial. Different types of bodywork create balance, health, and freedom.
Raindrop Technique®
The Young Living Raindrop Technique® is a unique relaxation technique that combines massage and aromatic oil application as well as ancient tradition with the latest findings. It enables an unforgettable feel-good experience and stress relief. When have you treated yourself to something for your body and mind?
Group Practice at Weinbergstrasse 29 on 2nd floor
You can find the practice easy as follows:
From the main train station a 5 minute walk or take the tram number 6, 7 or 10 to the Haldenegg stop. A few meters back in the direction of Central on the right is the entrance at Weinbergstrasse 29, and the elevator to 2nd floor is in the house 31st.
There are bicycles, motorcycles and 3 cars parking spaces (for 2 hours) at Hochfarbstrasse from where it is a few meters up the street to the house entrance, and more parking at Stampfenbachstrasse From there, go up the Leonhardstreppe where you pass Cafe Takeaway Leonhardstreppe and at the top, take the second street on your left on to Weinbergstrasse 29, where you’ll find in the Group Practise Massage4u located on the 2nd floor. Just opposite from the building is also Kleine Freiheit!
We look forward to welcoming you!
Francois Leimgruber
med. Masseur EFA
Weinbergstrasse 29
8006 Zurich